
It refers to the logical equipment or software of a digital computer, and includes all the necessary software components to enable the completion of a specific task.

Such logical components include, among others, computer applications such as word processing, allowing the user to perform all tasks concerning text editing, software system, such as an operating system, which basically allows the rest of the programs function properly, facilitating interaction with the physical components and other applications also provides an interface to the user.

¿What is an operating system?

It is a program on a computer system that manages the hardware resources and provides services to application programs, running in privileged mode for the remaining controls peripherals and interacts with the user.

Functions of OS

An operating system has various functions to be performed to be classified as efficient.

  • Keep updated system (driver updates Detect and adapt to hardware changes)
  • Be compatible with all the hardware (which support your features)? and be able to exploit the full capabilities of the equipment
  • Match each input port controllers connected accessory? Maintain and peripheral driver out of date.
  • Organize data efficiently.

  • Maintain convenient access to network and secure, able to communicate with printers, Cameras and other equipment.

  • Correctly manage both inputs and outputs on the computer

Types of operating systems

  • Multi-user: Allows two or more users use their programs simultaneously.
  • Multiprocessor: supports opening the same program on more than one CPU.
  • Multitasking: Allows multiple programs to run simultaneously.
  • Multi-leg: Allows different parts of a single program run simultaneously.
  • Real time: Responds to input instantly. Operating systems such as DOS and UNIX, do not work in real time.

Most used operating system Windows:

Windows 7: Operating system released in 2009, is the most used at present with a total of 46.60% of market share. Its main features are:
  • Improved Windows 7 graphical interface:  the taskbar is bigger and colorful.
  • Energy Savings: Windows 7 reduces power consumption up to 30%.
  • Security: Windows 7 allows you to run applications that are only allowed by the System Administrator.
  • Compatibility: 90% chance of finding any device that can connect to it.

Most used operating system Linux

It is an operating system maintained by Canonical and the developer community. Uses a Linux core, and origin is based on Debian. Ubuntu has a strong focus on ease of use and enhance the user experience. And its features are:

  • Users can participate in the development of Ubuntu, writing code, fixing bugs, testing versions of the system unstable
  • Ubuntu is known for its ease of use and end-user oriented applications
  • The default Ubuntu's Unity interface and used in conjunction GNOME applications.
  • The system includes advanced security features and its policies is not enabled by default when latent processes installed.

Most used operating system of Apple

Their latest release is the Mac OS X 6.44% of market presence, its main features are:

  • It is integrated by default in the iCloud cloud, this way they can save your files and synchronize them.
  • With iMessage can send messages between iOS devices and computers OS X completely free.
  • New notifications appear in the notification center as "bubbles" in the corner of the screen.
  •  Safari 6, the new browser.

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