martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013


Machine electronics, analog or digital  equipped with a large memory capacity, able to solve mathematical and logical problems by automatically using software.

The computer is classified partly physical and logical part. The physical part is known as hardware and logic part is called software.

Classification of computers

Computers may be classified according to the following criteria:

Depending on the size of the computer

Supercomputer:  Machines that are built to process huge amounts of information very quickly.


Mainframe: Is designed to handle large amounts of input, output and storage. 

Minicomputer: Computers medium, similar to the above range, can serve a smaller number of terminals.

Microcomputer: Can perform the same operations and use the same instructions on many large systems.  These small computers are commonly found in offices, classrooms and homes. Personal computers come in all shapes and sizes.                     

Also the microcomputers are classified in: Workstation, personal computer, mobiles computers (laptop, notebook, pocket-pc).

Depending on the type of data processing

Analogous:  Continuous data processing, these data are derived from measurements of devices, most analog computers are special purpose. For example: computers that control flow or pressure in refineries that control injection diesel engine bus.

Digital Computers: They are characterized by discrete data processing (data are made up of well-defined, such as a numeric value digits, letters, special symbols, letters, etc. units.), Most digital computers are general purpose, such as a Desktop or a laptop.

Hybrid Computers: those that have the characteristics of digital and analog computers, ie, receive data from measurements using an internal electronic device and such data is transformed into discrete values ​​for your process, example is the electronic scales.